Monday, October 27, 2008

Sperm, the Beginnings

Ever wonder who discovered sperm?  Well, a man named Antoni van Leeuwenhoek did in the 17th century.  He developed powerful variations of the microscope and began delving into the micro-world.  He found a vast new land of microorganisms that surround us.  His peculiar interest in ant reproduction led him to ideas of how reproduction occurs in humans.  His discovery challenged the common belief of creationism.  People were taken aback by the radical ideas Leeuwenhoek brought to intellectual circles. 

               For our presentation we plan to demonstrate the existence of microbiology.  By showing our audience a skin sample under a microscope, they will hopefully believe in the existence of microbiology.  This direct approach of proving our idea to the public is the best method of convincing them of Leeuwenhoek’s ideas.  We will distribute hand drawn pictures of sperm to give the audience an idea of what sperm looks like under the microscope in an abstracted way.  

            We are going to persuade our audience that microbiology is significant to understanding how the universe functions.  It gives humans a different perspective on the world that they couldn’t achieve on their own.  Having a clear idea of how human reproduction functions provides more awareness of biological cycles.  Microbiology may lead to explanations of how healing properties work which in turn leads to advances in medicine and health.      

Interested in learning more?


Hutch said...

Where are you hoping that the observation of sperm's roll in the reproductive system takes you?

Thomas Triplet said...

Did Leeuwenhoek consider the micro organisms to be conscious, or self aware?

CaseyMcKusick said...

Was there any repercussions of this study, for instance were people afraid of sperm once knowing it was filled with microorganisms?

Laney K. said...

You mentioned that sperm is important to understand the universe, but why is it specifically interesting to individuals? Why are your peers going to be interested, and why did you choose this topic?