"Children should learn how Darwin developed his theory, how it was later tested and elaborated, how and why the Victorian churches opposed it, the spiritual anguish of many Victorians, and how some people, in defiance of evidence, have recently invented intelligent design to rescue a lost cause."
I believe that in today's world, our ideas are capable of being spread so quickly, that our beliefs in how the world began, or our concept of good and evil as well as many other things are being mixed. We now have people who are consider themselves a certain religion, but don't follow all of their practices. Some people pick and choose which parts of a religion they like best and they live by them. (I have one friend in particular who admits to doing this.)
Even religions try to explain themselves around popular beliefs. Wilby explains how the Church of England says that nothing in Darwin's theory of evolution "contradicts Christian teachings".
I think that our society is so well connected, that individual establishments that provide a foundation of beliefs such as the creation of the universe and what is right and wrong are starting to become less popular. Instead, people seem to want to pick and choose between them all (science included) and form their own cosmogony and ethics.
Burch, Allen. "Cosmology and 21st-Century Culture." Sciencemag. Vol. 293, September 7, 2001. www.Sciencemag.org.
Wilby, Peter. "Religion and Science Do Mix." New Statesman September 18 2008. http://www.newstatesman.com/society/2008/09/schools-religion-science.
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