Sunday, December 14, 2008

Nick Beck Darwin Revelation

Nickolaus Beck
Sunday, December 14, 2008
COR – 210 –
Blog Post

Darwin Revelation

Sometimes people will refer to the good old days, as if to try and remember how things were in the past. They are referring to a time when technology was not as advanced as today. Not too long ago, gas, groceries, and taxes were less expensive than they are now. The process of evolution has caused us to live in a technological world. The minimum wage standard is going up, however, so is the cost of living. People must be able to find ways of transitioning into the new day and age. My revelation is that the human race may be evolving with the new technological age. The article by Nicholas Carr talks about how humans have evolved to the point of not being able to read more than a few pages at a time without being bored. Everything in today’s society is becoming quicker and easier. The general public has forgotten about how things were in the old days, because they have become used to life’s comforts.
Darwin named his discoveries about the process of evolution, natural selection. These discoveries allowed him to conclude that in certain areas of the world, only the animals with the most adapted characteristics would survive. Animals of the same species may have different adaptations because of their natural evolution. “Natural selection almost inevitably causes much Extinction of the less improved forms of life” (Darwin, Origin Of Species 97). Darwin’s theories state that only the strong can survive, which seems absolutely true in nature.
Scientists believe that humans may start to evolve, just as animals have all across the world. Some scientists believe that humans may evolve to a race that has Synesthesia. This is a neurologically based disorder that alters a persons perception of life. There are many different cases which patients can percieve letters or numbers as colors, or even hearing sounds in response to visual motion.
This video relates to revelation of evolution and what humans may be able to percieve in the future. This digital world is constantly becoming more advanced, so it’s possible that the human genetics need improving as well.

Works Cited

Appleman, Philip, ed. Darwin. 3rd ed. New York: W.W.Norton, 2001. P97 Origin of Species
Carr, Nicholas. "Is Google Making Us Stupid?" The Atlantic. 2007.

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