Sunday, December 14, 2008

Communication Evolution - A Darwin Revelation

Communication.  We cannot learn without communication.  We cannot teach without communication.  We cannot build without communication.  Therefore, we cannot survive without communication. From the early scientific discoveries hundreds of years ago until now, scientists have developed a chain of an understood communication of hypotheses, theories, experiments, and conclusions.  These factors, whether they are written, spoken, or simply shared, are the driving point of modern science.  Without this chain of communication, we would be back at the beginning, rolling around on rock wheels, too confused to put together a set of comprehensible words.  Since then, this communication has also spread to the public population.


                               “In the quest for understanding, science involves a

great deal of careful observation that eventually produces

An elaborate written description of the natural world.

                        Scientists communicate through publications, talks at

                        conferences, hallway conversations, and many other

                        means.” (Appleman, 289)


            Science has evolved based upon communication and experience.  We are using these concepts to drive our daily lives, communities, and societies.  Technology, personal affairs, and politics all grow with the concept of communication at hand.



            This brings my point to bear in the sense of creativity and technological evolution.  This all revolves around the Scientific Revolution.

            This has given me a better understanding of how the world utilizes its ability to communicate and evolve through time.  To better the world’s economy and unique characteristics, we must work together and make it a better place.

Appleman, Philip, ed. Darwin. 3rd ed. New York: W.W.Norton, 2001.

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