Thursday, September 25, 2008

Liquid Body Armor

Imagine what it would be like to feel like a "super hero" when bullets just bounce off you. Well, in recent news, US military scientists and engineers are developing and designing a new kind of armor. This new armor is so high tech, it’s liquid, as you can check out at this demo. They call it Liquid Body Armor; it’s strong like a 2 inch metal plate, can cover virtually every part on a human body, and is light weight and extremely flexible.

This armor uses new kinds of materials or what Science Daily calls "smart materials", materials that can sense and respond to change in the environment, either through the application of electricity or magnetism, or to changes in temperature. The US military emphasizes that this new armor is a break through in technology and possibly a new way to protect soldiers and their vulnerable body parts. In the future it could be a way to protect your self and your family.

It’s interesting to see how the military is thinking to switch their focus from weapons to defenses. I think it’s an important change. Bringing more alive soldiers back and having a new way to protect their lives.

Check out this video on Liquid Body Armor

Thank you for reading.

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