The most abundant energy source that the Earth has at its disposal is the sun. But the conditions for collecting sunlight are not always ideal. Cloud coverage and the number of hours of daylight are just a few of the problems with collecting and using solar energy to its full potential. However, soon those obstacles may be overcome.
A new technology has been developed which allows us to transmit energy via radio waves across long distances. The benefits? Satellites could be used to collect pure sunlight 24/7 and beam it right down to Earth to our homes. To top it all off, its 100% green renewable energy.
This technology could be used to transmit electrical energy to third world countries that do not have the infrastructure set up to distribute energy to homes. Emergency areas where the existing infrastructure has been destroyed can use this method of distributing energy as a temporary substitute.
The potential benefits of further developing and using this type of energy are very promising. Soon we may not even have to have power lines directing energy into our homes.
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