Sunday, December 14, 2008

Darwinism or Creationism, who do you trust?

The battle between Darwinism and Creationism has been for some time now. Creationism is the belief of God. Darwinism is the belief of evolution developed by Charles Darwin to contradict Creationism. Darwinism or evolution theory is based on the survival of the fittest. Meaning the species that’s best suited to its environment will have a higher survival rate. The one’s that not best equipped will die preventing overpopulation of the earth.

As Darwin states about evolution is that all species including humans came from other species. Evolution is determined by natural selection. Natural selection is the process that enables some organisms to live and reproduce while others do not survive. Darwin says: “Natural selection, on the principle of qualities being inherited at corresponding ages, can modify the egg, seed, or young, as easily as the adult.”(Darwin 134) For example, in my scientific revolution class we talked about how certain individuals within a population might possess a genetic trait that provides resistance to a local disease. As a result, those individuals tend to survive longer and produce more offspring than the other members of the population.

Another good example is birds and their beaks. Some are long and slim beaks that are used for the small seeds; others have short, large and powerful beaks used for crushing the bigger seeds. From this evidence Darwin concluded that all of birds had a common ancestor that evolved into the different species we see today. So, this simple structure proves how species evolve over time.

Even though, today science still can say nothing about the supernatural. This debate will continue forever until somebody can prove that Darwinism is true with scientific evidence or even prove that Creationism is true with scientific evidence. But until that time comes, people should be given a choose which they want to accept.

Works Cited

"Creation Vs. Evolution-A Feasibility Study." All About Philosophy. 2008

Darwin, Charles. Darwin. Ed. Philip Appleman. New York: Norton Paperbacks, 2000. 134-34

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